5 Creative Cut Flower Arrangement Ideas

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Sometimes all it takes is a bouquet of flowers straight from your garden to bring a sense of order and beauty into your home—even if you still need to make supper, de-clutter the countertops, and check off the other million things on your to-do list!

On our blog, we have already shared how to pick bulbs for bouquets, and now we're going to suggest some creative flower arrangement ideas that are sure to brighten up any room!


Garden Flower Arrangement Ideas

For your picking garden, choose plants with various shapes, colors, and heights so you can mix and match when you put together your bouquets. While foliage plants pull an arrangement together, bold flowers act as focal points, and wispy "filler" blooms fill in space. Those are just guidelines—remember to have fun and play around a bit! Here are some picked flower arrangement ideas to help inspire you to create your own.


Flower Arrangements with Summer-Blooming Plants

Show off the best of your summer garden with these combos! 




Lavender, Fern, Dahlia: For a more subtle, dainty bouquet, go with just Lavender and Athyrium, a type of fern. If you want a more substantial look, add in Dahlia, either in white, pink, or purple. Lavender adds a beautiful, delicate fragrance, and you can use the flowers fresh or dried. Picking Dahlias actually encourages more flowers to bloom, so both you and the plant can enjoy the payoff from a fresh bouquet! Whether you plan to create this bouquet or another, ferns are a versatile filler plant to grow in your picking garden.




Zantedeschia, Phlox, Convallaria, Heuchera: The false flowers of Zantedeschia, commonly known as Calla Lily, look beautiful on their own, but they also complement other favorite cutting plants. Calla Lily is also versatile for bouquets since you can also use the foliage in your arrangements. Phlox adds color to your garden almost all summer, making it an ideal plant for picking gardens—and pollinators love them! Convallaria, or Lily of the Valley, gives off a sweet, floral fragrance, and both the bell-shaped flowers and dark green foliage make beautiful additions to bouquets. While Heuchera, commonly known as Coral Bells, is known for its foliage — both in arrangements and in the garden — it also attracts hummingbirds and pollinators when in bloom. Whether you stick with one color of flowers with this bouquet or opt for different shades, this arrangement comes together for a contemporary and slightly tropical vibe.


Flower Arrangements for Spring-Blooming Plants

Plant these in the fall to enjoy bountiful bouquets next spring! All the below items are available for pre-order in our fall catalogue.




Anemone, Corydalis, Peony: Anemones have daisy-like flowers and fern-like foliage, making them perfectly suited to single-species bouquets! If you plant anemones in the fall, there is no need to soak the bulbs as is recommended in the spring. Corydalis also has fern-like leaves, which you can add to bouquets along with the plant's long, tubular flowers. Garden Peonies have large, long-lasting flowers that bloom in late spring, and the attractive green foliage lasts through the summer. This bouquet has a romantic, whimsical feel, but for an even more dramatic look, make sure to add plenty of foliage.




Daffodil, Bluebells, Muscari: A bouquet of Daffodils and Bluebells has a classic appeal, but Muscari makes for an unexpected touch. When choosing Daffodils, opt for bright white, classic yellow, or any shades in between. These are one of the most cost-effective and pest-free perennials around and are a natural "pick" for picking gardens! Commonly called Bluebells, Hyacinthoides are available in shades of white, purple, and their namesake blue. They are highly adaptable bulbs that perform well in full sun and tolerate shade. Muscari spikes look a bit like little bunches of grapes, and they even smell like them! This cute and unusual-looking flower attracts many pollinator friends.




Lily, Ornithogalum, and Scilla: Lilies come in many different forms, sizes, bloom times, and colors, which is part of the reason this is one of the most adored bulb groups! Some are fragrant, while others are not, which is a nice option to have if you're sensitive to scents. Ornithogalum, commonly called Star of Bethlehem, has clusters of typically star-shaped flowers in white or orange. They are easy to grow, and some varieties are great naturalizers in the garden. Scilla also has star-shaped flowers that appear on spikes or spheres, depending on the variety. All those beautiful star-like flowers of Ornithogalum and Scilla pair beautifully with the bold Lily. 


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When selecting specific varieties of flowers of the above combinations, be sure to consider the bloom time and your hardiness zone. That way, they'll be blooming at the right time for you to put together your show-stopping arrangements! Now go out there, get creative, and have fun!



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